Agasthyarkoodam, situated in the Neyyar wild life sanctuary in Thriuvananthapuram district, is a well-known ecotourism spot. This is also a Hindu pilgrimage spot as Hindus believes it to be the dwelling place of sage, Agasthya, one of the Sapta Rishis.


The mountain of Agasthyarkoodam is laced with deciduous evergreen forest, grasslands, and rocky terrains. It is a home to rich biodiversity as it is known for very rare and uncommon herbal plants and vegetative varieties. Scientists have identified more than 2000 species of such varieties including lichens, orchids, medicinal plants, and herbs. The zone offers exciting time for bird watchers.


Agasthyrakoodam, the second highest place (1868 m asl) in Kerala, is one of India’s toughest trekking trails. Trekking along the 28 km long stretch is very strenuous and will be testing your stamina and perseverance. Adventure enthusiasts will find it very exciting and rewarding!